Certification Schemes


Applicant Contrec Pty Ltd
Address 22 Hall Street Hawthorn VICTORIA 3123 Australia
Equipment Enclosures Type EXE810 and EXE410, Touch Key Reader 810TKIS in EXE810 Enclosure
Issue Number 1
Issue Date 2006-06-29
Status Date 2007-12-31
Status Expired
Manufacturer Contrec Pty Ltd
Protection Type d d(ia):TouchKeyReaderinEXE810Enclosure
Group IIB
IP Rating N/A
Test Report BVS PP 02.2084 IEC
Issued By TestSafe Australia
Notes An extension of the Expiry Date of Issue 1 of this Certificate of Conformity is granted under the authority of the Standards Australia Limited P008 Management Committee. The expiry date was 31-12-2007
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