Certification Schemes


Applicant Transponder Technologies Pty Ltd
Address 2 Hamra Drive Export Park Adelaide Airport South Australia 5950 AUSTRALIA
Equipment T5 Register Electronics
Issue Number 8
Issue Date 2012-09-03
Status Date 2015-05-28
Status Expired
Manufacturer Transponder Technologies Pty Ltd
Protection Type Ex ib T3 IIARefer to previous issues of this Certificate for details of the original certification and variations covered to date.
Group IIA
Marking Ex ib IIA T3 IP20AUS Ex 02.2561X
IP Rating IP20
Test Report TUV Rheinland TR 194004679.001
Issued By ITACS
Notes A further extension of the Expiry Date of Issue 8 of this Certificate of Conformity is granted under the authority of the Standards Australia MS-067 Management Committee. The expiry date is now the 28-05-2015. THIS CERTIFICATE HAS NOW EXPIRED
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