Certification Schemes


Applicant Caterpillar Global Mining Expanded Products Pty Ltd COFA
Address 20 Kullara Close
Beresfield NSW 2322
Equipment Infrared Transmitter Types IRS02 and IRT02
Issue Number 2
Issue Date 2020-07-08
Status Current
Manufacturer Caterpillar Global Mining Europe GmbH Industriestr 1 Lunen NRW 44534 Germany
Protection Type Intrinsic safety “ib”
Marking Ex ib I
Test Report 27601, 30320, 37074 - TestSafe Australia
Standards AS/NZS 60079.0:2000 AS/NZS 60079.11:2000
Issued By TestSafe Australia
Notes This certificate was cancelled in error on 2024-05-09 and reinstated 2024-06-13.
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