Welcome to the official website for the Australian Certification/Recognition System for Hazardous Area Equipment and Services, commonly referred to as the ANZEx System, operated as separate Schemes.
The current System comprises the following Schemes:
This website provides information about each of the schemes, the organizations participating and how each operates. An integral element is a database of most of the certificates ever issued for use in Australia.
For ALL enquiries regarding administration of the Schemes please email admin@anzex.com.au or ring 1300 737 731
Should you wish to contact the Administration Management please email management@anzex.com.au
The requirements of the ANZEx Certified Equipment Scheme Rules Issue 1, 18 January 2021 clause 2.7.1 allows applications for Certification to be lodged for the current edition of the standard, or the previous edition, provided that the published date of the superseded edition of the standard is less than 10 years old.
The publication of IEC 60079-11:2023 in Jan 2023 results in the superseded version, IEC 60079-11:2011, exceeding the 10-year limit.
An ANZEx CB may continue to accept applications to IEC 60079-11:2011 and AS/NZS 60079.2011 for a special transitional period of 3 years (up to January 2026).
This notice is issued by JASANZ as the System Owner
A feature of this website is that it provides the ability to obtain copies of Certificates of Conformity issued within the Equipment Scheme or a Certificate of Recognition issued within the Service Facility Scheme. Unfortunately, there are some certificates - particularly from the early era of the Equipment Scheme - for which we have been unable to source copies and therefore cannot make these available. Where supplementary certificates have been issued, they are included making each certificate complete with all its history. A charge of $32 plus GST is made for each certificate downloaded.
To complete a transaction to download certificate/s it is necessary to first register to obtain/create a user name and password. Please note the terms and conditions and privacy policy which must be agreed before proceeding.